Friday, October 20, 2006


Earlier this evening, after Maghrib, I paid my Zakat Fitrah.

Unlike the previous years, this time I cried when I paid the Zakat Fitrah.

I cried out of kesyukuran because I have a relatively good life.

A good life? Yes, because over the past one week, I have been getting calls from friends (many, mind you) who are in need of help – mostly financial help.

Maklumlah pre-raya expenses and all. But why? Hari Raya is not a time to impress others with our material wealth!!! It is about kesyukuran. Some of them go through ridiculous rituals yang tak masuk akal just because they think people will love them more because they live their lives based on expectations of others.

Thank God, I don’t have that need. I feel good driving a Perodua Kembara (many said, apa ni Cek Mie, you kena pakai at least Perdana, baru style).

I feel ok wearing baju less then RM15 from FOS or Reject Shop. And I feel good pakai selipar and makan kat gerai. My t-shirts are ‘buy 2 get one free”.

After paying the fitrah’ it rained cats and dogs.

I wrapped my phone and wallet in a plastic bag from Guardian Pharmacy and walked in the rain without the umbrella as the umbrella was in the car. I normally would not walk in the rain ‘without protection’ as it would ruin my nicely-styled hair (how shallow can we be…). But this time, I walked calmly, unaffected and enjoyed the rain falling on my face lalu ku lafazkan:

Ya Allah ampunkanlah dosa hamba mu ini yang selalu lupa bersyukur.
Aku bersyukur dilahirkan dalam keluarga bahagia.
Aku bersyukur dibesarkan oleh pasangan Sulaiman Atan dan Fatimah Saadom, daddy dan mama, dua insan yang sungguh mulia.
Aku bersyukur kerana Kau memberiku rezeki yang tidak pernah putus.
Aku bersyukur dikelilingi oleh rakan-rakan niaga yang bijak dan sentiasa melindungiku dari kekejaman dunia -- I love you Kamarul Bahrin Haron (Cekem), Tengku Elida Bustaman (Mokciknab), Papa Khalid and my staff -- Rizal, Ian, Mar and Ashwad who would always ‘remind’ me in their own ways to berdiri dalam alam nyata.
Aku bersyukur tidak terjerumus dan khayal serta rakus mengumpul ‘material’ duniawi.
Aku bersyukur atas kesihatan yang Kau kurniakan.
Aku bersyukur Kau sentiasa memberiku peluang untuk memperbaiki diri dan terus memberi masa untukku beramal.


And when Husni called and we met for coffee at about 10pm, we shared our thoughts on ‘kesyukuran’ and we thanked Allah for making us OK people and not trapped in the hurry to amass material wealth and get into lots of trouble. We have our problems and all, fine... Itu dugaan untuk menjadi manusia lebih hebat. But we are not and never in deep shit.

But I also cried because I tak berdaya membantu my friends who are trapped in the quest for material wealth when they really need me to help save them. I’m so sad. I don’t have the resources.


Pics courtesy