Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Gosok jangan tak gosok

I hate ironing.

I know a friend who loves ironing and said ironing is actually therapy.

Dah giler gamak nyer… get a life!!

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I have loads and loads of baju bertimbun-timbun to iron.

I don’t send it to the dobby man as by the time I balik rumah kedai dobi dah tutup. When keluar rumah kedai dobi belum bukak.

Can kedai dobi bukak pukul enam pagi ker? They should start thinking differently to serve customers la.. Setakat bukak during opis hours buat hapa?

And can they make fabrics yang tak payah iron. Atau why not change our frame of reference and make baju berkedut fashionable?

Marilah fikirkan…

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