Azean & Wan Zul at Samson's wedding

Nisa & Nini at Samson's wedding

Dangsuria & Nazri at Samson's wedding

Adilah & Fiza at Samson's wedding

Me & Azman at Samson's wedding

Dino, me & Roul

Dino & Me

Dino & Nazri

Me & Azman at Samson’s wedding reception at Kampung Pengantin
It is almost midnight. I just came back from teh tarik plus chat session with Dr Azam at Restaurant Bestari, Plaza Damas. We discussed an interesting book project among others. But other than the book project, we did lots of people-watching – a lot more interesting.
As promised, I cooked Nasi Farsi today dengan Kari Ayam and Kacang Boncis. Mukmin and Roul makan hingga menjilat jari. I love entertaining people with food – glorious food. It is one way of expressing how we value their friendship and love. Sometimes it is more meaningful to express our love through action rather than the cliché ‘I love you…’ (plus, some people find it very difficult to say the phrase…….).

After makan-makan, we went for reflexology at Sri Hartamas. The place is 4 doors away from 7-Eleven and managed by people from China. We communicated pakai sign language as they don’t speak English or Malay and our Mandarin is so bad.
The reflexology? Not bad – a bit painful, but pain is definitely pleasure.
Yesterday, we enjoyed ourselves at Samson’s wedding reception. I sang Sudirman’s Joget Kenangan Manis at the reception and danced the joget together with Azean, Kam, Che Yuz and Samson’s relatives.
Dino did very well in his debut for Temujanji on Saturday. I coached him very little. He did everything himself. Congrats. After the recording, we (me, Roul, Dino and Shubern) had late lunch at Sao Nam, my favourite Vietnamese Restaurant at Plaza Damas. Mukmin joined us later.

After makan semua lima-lima orang ended up at my sanctuary at Dorchester Service Apartment, Plaza Damas, and kita semua tidur sampailah waktu maghrib.
Ah, BTW, last night after Samson’s wedding reception, Jef and I went to Signature-GSC for midnight movie. We bought the Gold Class ticket to watch ‘Wanted’ starring Angelina Jolie.
For RM50 you will get the waiter to deliver refreshments to you and your reclining seat can be converted to a bed. And yes, complete with pillow and blanket.
And what happened? Both me and Jef terus tidur nyenyak. Jef kejutkan I beberapa kali because I snored. And tahu-tahu jer, wayang dah habis. Both of us tidur. Pengajarannya. Tak payah tengok wayang kat Gold Class sebab terlampau comfortable and terus tidur… So we paid RM100 untuk tidur for 2 hours.

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