Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sambutan ‘Birthday’ sebelum Birthday

To the people at my office (and the spirit of Mokciknab of Menteng & hubby) and their ‘attachments’ (yes youlah… Cik Yuz, Abang Polis, Nadia, Farah and others yang masuk dan keluar of our lives), thank you for the birthday surprise walaupun my birthday is on May 15.

These people are like family to me oredi.

Thank you for always being there to support all the kebaikan and kenakalan.

Let’s take on the world.

I'm still waiting for my ultimate prezen -- siput sedut masak cili api dengan rebung + sambal petai ngan ikan bilis + kupang rebus + asam tumis ikan parang dan ulam twisties cheeze flavour.