Saturday, May 05, 2007

Congrats Moqq & Milla

Yes, the above picture from Berita Minggu hari ni.

I tak sempat snap gambar as I was the emcee for the wedding. Cuma sempat ambik gambar bila dah habis wedding. Itu pun blurr… Sebab my camera phone kalau tak cukup cahaya, gambar dia jadi macam hantu.

Anyway, it was a pleasure being the emcee for my good friend Moqq. And a pleasure too ‘working’ on the details of the wedding with Moqq’s dad, Dato’ Seri Haji Mohd Shariff Omar and Moqq’s mom, Datin Seri Barinah and the family. They are a sweet couple indeed and so cool… And Moqq mewarisi the ‘charm’.

It was great to jumpa budak-budak kolek (old boys of MCKK) and also sempat sembah salam to YM Tunku Dato’ Seri Adnan Tunku Besar Burhanuddin, the all time Ayahanda MCOBA and Mak Engku. Pak Engku as always, ada great jokes. Latt Shariman was there too, so were Bullet, Dr Mohazmi, Pijoun, Mon, Kichi and more than half of the Class of 96.

To Moqq and Milla selamat berhoneymoon and yes, I owe you lagu Hetty Koes Endang tu… So bila nak jamming-jamming?