Friday, May 11, 2007

Konsumer perlu dilindungi bukan ditekan.

It is not fair and simply not right.

When we subscribe to a service, the service provider must be transparent and provide us with the best service and all the info that we need to know about the service.

I subscribe to the Celcom 3G service, where I can get internet access everywhere tanpa wayar provided ‘signal’ dia ada. And I access internet from my house on top of the hill in Kerinchi pakai service ini.

Since May 5, I ada problem accessing the internet.

On May 10th, I called Celcom’s Careline.

And the lady who answered my call said ‘memang ada masalah dengan 3G service, but should be rectified by May 9th’.

I asked, ‘Tapi sampai sekarang pasal apa I masih tak dapat pakai?’

She checked with the technical people and got back to me 1 minute later and said ‘tempat Encik tak ada coverage..’

Ini yang menyirap darah ni… I said, “But I have been accessing the Internet pakai Nokia 6680, laptop and Dongle over the past 6 months dekat same place, same corner of the living room of my house…”.

Then she said, “cuba switch off phone for 10 minutes lepas tu cuba balik…”

Hari ni 12 May. I can only access my intenet pakai service tu for like 3 minutes then kena re-log-in in balik then re-log-in balik.

Now katalah:

Kita pergi restoran, and order me goreng, kalau me goreng tak sampai, kita kena bayar juga ker?

Kalau kita pergi restoran yang offer all you can eat for RM30, kalau restoran tu tak ada ketam masak sambal, and we told the owner kita nak makan ketam, bukankah responsibility tokay restoran tu cakap awal-awal, yang ketam tak der.

Kalau pergi restoran, kalau kita order milo ais dengan roti canai and later roti canai dah habis, takkan nak bayar untuk roti canai jugak?

Celcom must tell us (thru SMS ker… since they can hantar SMS joke bangang to us), 3G depa tak berjalan lancar.

And most of all. Kalau tak boleh buat service tu, bagilah discount over the period yang ada masalah tu… baru Islamic. Don’t charge us things you tak deliver.. Simple. Ha ni yang gua marah ni… Baru buat medical check-up, nasib baik blood pressure baik.