Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kelab Joke Boring

When we were in MCKK (I was there from 1975 to 1979, from Form 1 to Form 5), we had this 'phenomenon' called ERRR (pronounced 'air').

We will say 'errrr' when someone attempts to create a joke and the joke is a bad one or not funny at all.

When the joke is extremely bad, we will scream 'errr'.

Anyway... talking about bad jokes, today, I teringat a couple of really bad ones... (escapism/denial ni sebenarnya, kerja atas meja bertimbun-timbun, and research for Perspektif Kita tak complete lagi...)

Dengar ek...


There is a river full of really fierce and hungry crocodiles. Don't you dare step into the water because you will be snapped right away by the hundreds of crocodile. But one day, a man managed to wade through and crossed the shallow river and the crocodiles didn't harm him... Why?

Jawapan: Dia pakai underwear brand 'Crocodile'. Jadi buaya ingat dia sedara.

Percubaan joke ke-2:


Ada sekumpulan lembu ternakan yang cuma makan rumput fresh sahaja. Masa musim kering rumput semua jadi kuning dan lembu tak der selera nak makan. Tapi all of the sudden seorang gembala lembu dapat satu idea and lembu dia terus berselera makan rumput kering. What did he do?

Jawapan: Dia bagi lembu pakai spec (kacamata) hijau. Jadi lembu nampak semua benda hijau and fresh..

So your response is ......ERRRRRR!!!!!