Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Makan-makan with Khun Reed.

It sure was fun.

The ‘soft launch’ of MySiam by Khun Reed at Restoran Puteri was a success.

The client, Topaz Global Sdn Bhd, the company that will be distributing MySiam through 7-Eleven and Projet, is helmed by budak Kolek, Nor Azlan Mohamad, MCKK Class of 92.

The launch started with the appearance of Khun Reed on the morning talkshow on NTV7 and later the ‘meet-the-press’ session at the new Restoran Puteri in TTDI.

Kak Rubiah Suparman, towkay Restoran Puteri was there to give her personal touch.

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Me, Kak Rubiah and Mokciknab

FYI (for the younger generations), Rubiah Suparman was a 'mega-star' in her younger days. She was the star of 'Potret Pekerti' -- The hit drama series in the early 70s.

Khun Reed, the Chef Extraordinaire from Thailand was great. A successful entrepreneur and popular TV host in Thailand, Khun Reed dazzled the reporters.

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Khun Reed in action.

We had fun wearing the Thai Classical Dance Costume.

I was touched when Razin came, not only to give moral support, but also tolong angkat air and served the guests. Really touched bila adik-beradik datang tolong ni... menangis kejap (dalam hati, so air mata tak keluar lah... nanti abis make-up).

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Me, Razin and Mokciknab

Cakap pasal make-up, our make-up artist, Cek Why, dressed both me and Mokciknab in a serba kuning outfit. Meletop – Jenglot kalau tengok terus lari 100 metres dengan catatan 9.77 saat.

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Cek Why tengah buat make-up

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Cek Why dressing me up...

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Thailand, here we come..

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Tapi Ashwad kata I macam character dalam Teletubbies

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Papa Khalid sedang masuk character...

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Ashwad and Ian posing

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Ashwad and Mar dok makan

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Rizal stuffing his face with food...

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Briefing by Papa Khalid before the event

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Masuk Character – Papa Khalid and Mokciknab

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Me tanpa costume Siam -- Ringan sikit kepala

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Mokciknab and Ashwad


Monday, August 28, 2006

Berdialog dengan penyamun.

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Ashwad got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and met a ‘stranger’ in the living room of his condo.

Being Mr Nice Guy Great PR, he went and said hello to the ‘stranger’ and they ‘bersalam-salaman’ and ‘bertanya khabar’.

And then Ashwad called his cousin so that -- janganlah bagi mamat ni duk sengsorang kat living room, nanti boring.

Only to find out later, his cousin was still at he office and mamat tu penyamun.

Al Kisah....

Rakyat juga perlu ‘dilalaikan’ sekali sekala...

And we at the office decided to stay to watch and to switch from Datuk K + Siti on TV3 and Mawi + Ina on RTM & ASTRO and tukar-tukar channel.

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Honestly, we liked Ina... The girl is smart and she milked the opportunities... Sell the book Ina!! Great example of lateral thinking... You go girl!!!

Siti’s wedding was OK. Not so much ‘editorial treatment’ given to the wedding reception. Cantiklah semuanya... I pun rasa nak kahwin...

And I said to myself... “Oklah, we need some feel good content once in a while... But if we overdo it, and preoccupied with things like these, I’ll weep for this country...”

Papa Khalid decided to continue with work – malas nak tengok...

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

If it’s dark, you can always imagine...

Got back from Ipoh way past midnight after assisting our friends at UTP atas jemputan Dr Zainal Abidin Kassim (UTP’s Rector), to welcome Tun Dr Mahathir (UTP’s Chancellor) and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah to the new Center of Excellence and briefing them on the content of the Gallery.

Ampun tak ada gambar Tun coz I forgot to give the camera to orang lain while Razin and I took Tun Dr Siti Hasmah and Tun Dr Mahathir on the tour.

The gallery was packed with visitors to the Convo and it was great to see the bright and brave students volunteering to provide the information on the exhibition to the visitors – special thanks to Ustaz Rahmat for the ‘training’.

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Before that, we had a nice stay at Heritage Hotel in Ipoh where we met Latt Shahriman and wife and sempatlah sembang sekejap.

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Gambar Latt sourced from

Didn’t get to meet Rizal in Ipoh coz program ‘bertindih’ – wah macamlah...

The journey home was ‘extremely exciting’ – Razin and I ketawa sepanjang jalan dengan joke-joke bangang budak-budak tua MCKK. Also the x-rated stories (&^%$) – to keep both of us awake.

Razin decided to take the coastal road, I menurut jer, janji dia drive – I ni sakit belakang tak leh drive lama-lama – so kita lalulah Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh, Kuala Selangor – and since it was dark – yerlah tetengah malam – we just imagined the beautiful paddy fields di kiri dan kanan jalan yang kita redah and the ladang.

Stopped by kat Hutan Melintang and I fell asleep for a while only to bangun later with a teh tarik bungkus from Razin – so nice...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

When the ‘shrink’ says the wrong thing...

Ashwad tried to be the ‘resident psychiatrist’ today.

Instead of helping me out, he said something that turned Papa Khalid into a Kodiak Bear...

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Ian the observer and Ashwad the Shrink Wanna be...

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Ashwad trying to convince...

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Papa Khalid getting into position...

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And launched the attack

Our office is a fun place. We get things done and happy sepanjang masa...

Pulau Chekas, Kg Peruas, Ulu Dong, Raub

We are here for you Nahar...

We arrived in Dong, Raub, Pahang, yesterday at about 4:30pm to be with Nahar.

Nahar’s mom meninggal dunia sebelum Subuh.

At times like this, we will automatically reflect on life.

After the visit to Nahar’s house, Razin and I went to Pulau Chekas, Kg Peruas, Ulu Dong – the almost perfect place to reflect and re-define our mission in life.

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The air terjun and crystal clear water provided the much needed visual inspiration.

The place just happens to be near the late Mona Fandey’s house.

Razin wanted to see the house but I ‘vetoed’ the idea without saying a thing.

The journey home was enriching as always with intellectually stimulating discussions and great thoughts.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

They don’t make songs like that anymore...

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Pic from

Please, please, will someone come up with songs macam:

Feliciano’s “Love comes from the most unexpected places”,

Sedaka’s ‘Laughter in the rain”, or

Sinatra’s ‘The way you look tonight’.

Kinda tired with all these new songs with sexual innuendos and trying hard to be cool...

I’d be happy to start the day with “Come rain or come shine”.

It will make me turn from ‘black and white’ to ‘colour’.

Macam itu haiwan aperkenamer – sesumpah?

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Keep challenging yourself....

The morning started with a “TV recording” at KFC Holdings for an At-Tijarah episode on RTM with Tan Sri Mohammad Ali Hashim the Group Chief Executive of J Corp, QSR Brands and KFC Holdings.

It was a quick one as I guess we (Tan Sri and I) were able to read each others’ editorial treatment.

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The TV Interview

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The Crew

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Right after the recording, I decided to give myself, like Razin always say, ‘a pat on the back’ . Yes, by going to Richard’s Salon and let Richard do wonders to my head and hair.

And the rest – beautiful.

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Treatment ker ala-ala incubus...

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Ashwad turut melepak.

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Papa Khalid and Richard selepas ‘wash and blow”

Apa kena mengena dengan "keep challenging yourself'? Entah.....

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It’all about change.

We change all the time and we’ll never stop changing.

Sometimes the ‘change’ is just so beautiful.

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