Friday, May 26, 2006

Yik Mun

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Every time I ke utara, without fail, I'll stop at Tanjung Malim's best makan attraction -- Pau Yik Mun.

Every year, at least twice I will stop to have my favourite Mee Goreng, Nasi Goreng and Pau Kaya -- on the way to MCKK for the Old Boys Weekend and back.

Now, tak payah dah... coz Yik Mun now has an outlet at Plaza Damas -- Sri Hartamas Shopping Centre.

This morning I had Nasi Lemak Kari Ayam and Teh served in that old porcelain cup (like my grandma used to pakai).

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Mee & Terong from


Ramai orang ada sikit confused tentang pengertian beberapa perkataan Inggeris yang selalu digunakan sehingga dah jadi practice mereka gunakan yang salah.

I always get the following SMS or note/messages:

Appointment tu dah ‘conform’. (Instead of confirmed)

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Another one is makna ‘dateline’ and ‘deadline’ yang tak tepat.

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Many years ago I saw 2 very interesting signboards:

‘Ah Meng Kedai Gunting Perempuan’

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‘Kim Seng Tukang Kunci’.

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Well, have we been cutting women daily in this country?

And can we now leave home without locking the door as someone will help us to lock the door – ‘tukang kunci’?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Shun, stressed & cockroaches

We react in many different ways.

See how Cekem shun the limelight below.
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See how Papa Khalid reduces stress in the office – pakai kain pelikat.
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And Shazwan’s version of stresss management – tido!!
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And see how we managed to reduce attack of the killer cockroaches at the office – letak kulit kayu manis.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Insomnia yang elok

Been having problem sleeping lately...

Instead of ‘tension giler’ dan tossing & turning, I melakar on my baju-baju lama..sampailah mengantuk.

See my latest creation – sebab tak leh tidur semalam...

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Content oh Content

I spent almost the whole day Tuesday at Renaissance Kuala Lumpur for the rehearsal and ‘real time’ Malaysian Business Corporate Governance Award 2005.

Great to see the Berita Publishing gang again – Charles, Ajak Abu Chik, Prathab, Kak Zaini and of course THE Datuk A Kadir Jasin (my mentor in the journalism world). I told Datuk Kadir that I love his blog --

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Datuk A Kadir Jasin

The guest of honour was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and as usual he spoke his mind. He did ‘sindir’ the press and to a certain extent the current administration.

I also managed to chat briefly with my favourite blogger/online newspaper-sendiri editor – Jeff Ooi.

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Jeff Ooi

Lately I have not been buying the ‘physical’ newspapers because I tak larat dengan the stories and also the same old ‘beliau berkata, beliau menambah, menurut beliau’ – kupasannya di mana?

What about TV? Rather not say.

Anyway, my staple content-diet now =,, and a couple more thinking souls on the internet.

I’m beginning to wonder, khalayak Melayu ni tak cerdik ker? Because the content in the newspaper sebenarnya melambangkan pembacanya...

Cerita hantu, cerita api terbang—amat memenatkan...

Somehow I feel the thinking Malays’ needs for great, compelling content tak cukup.

Serious content tak perlu boring – it’s all about inform, educate and entertain.

What next?

Well first I need to do my laundry – see the baju kotor bawah ni?

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Enjoy Cekem’s Pink Lemonade and of course Cekem’s company – ramai lupa it’s the company yang penting not the drink!!! Hint..Hint...

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Sunday, May 21, 2006


And the winner of this year’s Doormat of the Year Award is (drumrolls)....

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I can’t help but wonder why many successful and educated souls prefer to be ‘doormats’ in relationships.

Most dictionaries define ‘doormat’ as ‘one who submits freely to domination and enjoys being used by others. He/she would put the rights of others before his or her your own rights and also happiness.

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And these people can relate very well to:

"I don't matter" or "My feelings aren't important."

But why?

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Quote Diana Ross from the movie Mahogany “Success is nothing if you have no one to share it with” – because of this one has to settle with the 6th or 7th best and be a doormat!!! Oh Puhlease...

How does one get out of this mode?

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And one more thing dear souls -- Do you need the roof to fall on you???

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Our weekend get together

It was a blast!!!

Our weekend get together at Holiday Villa Apartments, Jln Ampang was so much fun.

As usual, we cooked.

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NK jadi Chef Director

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Bawang putih bawang merah

Tak laratlah makan kat kedai mamak , balik-balik goreng-goreng, roti telor, teh tarik, nescafe kaw ...macam dah tak creative langsung – introducelah something new...

Anyway, we had a fun time shopping for bahan-bahan masak at Great Eastern Mall and the rest = history.

Shazwan, Rizal and NK tolong potong-potong bawang.

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Rizal memotong-motong

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Shazwan meracik-racik

Mokciknab siapkan ‘yoghurt extraordinaire’.

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Mokciknab posing selepas letak 4 sudu garam instead of gula dalam yoghurt.

Papa Khalid bawak Kak Limah’s specialities --- see below:

Serawa Durian.
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Sambal Ikan Bilis.
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Sotong Masak Hitam.
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Yang best sekali —- the great company.

Yang hadir -- Mokciknab, Papa Khalid, Abang Poelese, Rizal, Shazwan, Ian, Nadia, NK Anuar, Morky Moqq, Milla, Kichi, Razin, Jugerk, Bobot, Kuntum .

Cekem came on the second day -- lepas tu hilang selepas meninggalkan Pink Lemonade.

And a couple other guests yang identity tak leh reveal – suka hatilah...

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Trying to defend myself from gomolan Datin Gersang.

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Me, Milla & MorkyMoqq.

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Tengku Hashim & Tengku Elida (kekenyangan?)

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Milla, MorkyMoqq & Kichi

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Milla tolong basuh pinggan kertas...

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Moqq and Kichi pose selepas kenyang

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Joget Kichi Joget

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Me, Kuntum and Bobot

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Kenapa ni Razin?

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Couple of the year – Nadia & Ian

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Tengok apa tu Shazwan?

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Makan babe

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Chef-chef bertauliah

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Makan sampai penat

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Tambah lagi..

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Abang Poelese berselera

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Lihat ‘keluasan’ oral Papa Khalid

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Penat masak posing pulak

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Shazwan, our resident dancer

Most of all, it’s a great feeling to have people that you really care and love around you and find out about their lives -– inilah dia Quality of Life – bukan terkinja-kinja kat tempat membingitkan telinga – or is it because I dah 44 tahun.

Dulu I jugak permanent fixture kat dance club seantero America tu....

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View of KL from our Apartment.