Friday, December 02, 2005

It's the sashimi phase again!!

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What I eat is influenced to a certain extent by the weather .. Yes, betul.

Kalau musim hujan, I'll have this craving for salmon sashimi.

If it's hot & dry, I'll go for Spaghetti Marinara.

Kalau hari biasa, asam pedas.

Lately, because it rained a lot... I have been eating lots of sashimi...

Then I saw on National Geographic, Kodiak Bear makan salmon,to put on weight for winter... terus I freaked out totally.

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BTW hari tu lupa nak cakap, gambar yang cantik meletop at Aidil's wedding was taken by non other than Mr Morky Moqq. Moqq takes nice pictures.